Payment can be made using PayNow or Bank Transfer.
By PayNow
Scan this QR code to make payment or specify Mobile no : 93410079 in your banking app.
Please include your name and mobile number in the description/comments. E.g. Gideon Tan 90019001
Important: Once payment has been made, kindly send a screenshot of payment transaction to notify us.
Whatsapp: 93410079
By Bank Transfer
Please make payment to UOB UniPlus 461-376-879-8
Please include your name and mobile number in the description/comments. E.g. Gideon Tan 90019001
Since bank transfer may take between 2-3 working days to be completed, we will reserve your artpiece/order up to 3 working days only.
Important: Once payment has been made, kindly send a screenshot of payment transaction to notify us.
Whatsapp: 93410079