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Reach For The Stars


Title: Reach For The Stars

Medium: Acrylic

Size [L x B] in cm: 30 x 91.5

Completed: 2018

Price: S$500

Event: Be Art Exhibition 2018

Often times, I am intrigued by the aspirations of young children. When asked what they would like to do when they grow up, many would usually respond with such excitement and audacity. Their ambitions seem endless and limitless!

Similarly, childlike faith may look pretty audacious and reckless at times. It is believing in the One who is greater than ourselves to do the impossible and the unfathomable. In order to dream "dreams" with God, it is imperative for us to possess such childlike faith.

"Reach for the Stars" challenges us to become like little children. We have to let our dreams come out of our “boxes” and begin to dream BIG with God. I believe God is looking for faith-filled believers to run with His vision and attempt great exploits for His Kingdom.

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” quoted by William Arthur Ward (an American author, editor, pastor and teacher from 1921-1994).

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