Title: Released Into Your Destiny
Medium: Acrylic
Size [L x B] in cm: 30 x 91.5
Completed: 2018
Price: S$550
Event: Be Art Exhibition 2018
A revelation of who God is will always lead to a personal revelation of who God has made us to be. I believe we will know our divine purpose on earth when we are first connected relationally to the Father heart of God. For many, it is a process of discovering and walking into the fullest of His plans.
Like butterflies, we all experience metamorphosis or a spiritual transformation which we will emerge gradually into the fullest and beauty of who God has make us to be. Hence, it is important for us to know what God has purposed for each of us, so we can align with His plans for our lives.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
This painting depicts the wonderful plan God has for each one of us when we shall be released into the fullest of our destiny!